Tag Archives: Medicaid

What is Public Charge?

From Eve Krief MD WHAT IS PUBLIC CHARGE? FULL EXPLAINER HERE: A new proposal from DHHS expands the definition of what it means to be a “public charge,” making it harder for immigrants to enter the United States and advance … Continue reading

Posted in Health Care, immigration/deportation, medicare, Trump, Trump atrocities, Uncategorized | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Taking the Heart out of Obamacare

Tax bill sets up 2018 attacks on our health care This week, House and Senate Republicans passed their deficit-busting tax giveaway to corporations and the ultra-rich without a single Democratic vote, clearing it for Donald Trump’s signature. After failing to … Continue reading

Posted in ACA, American Health Care Act, Health Care, Trump, Uncategorized, Zeldin | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Individual Mandate Repeal in Latest Tax Bill Draft

Author Shannon Muchmore @stmuchmore Published Nov. 15, 2017 Dive Brief: Republican leaders said Tuesday the latest version of their bill to overhaul the tax system would repeal the individual mandate in the Affordable Care Act (ACA). Sen. Orrin Hatch (R-Utah) … Continue reading

Posted in ACA, AHCA, American Health Care Act, Health Care, Tax Reform, trumpcare, Uncategorized, Zeldin | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

CBO: No, seriously, the Senate bill cuts Medicaid spending

Donald Trump and his Republican cohorts are trying to convince their voter base that the Senate healthcare bill does not cut Medicaid spending.  Nothing could be further from the truth, as The Washington Post explains. By Philip Bump June 29 … Continue reading

Posted in Better Care Reconciliation Act, Health Care, Medicaid, Trump, trumpcare | Tagged , , | 2 Comments

The Senate Health Reform Bill Slashes Medicaid Severely

Posted by AARP Posted on 06/23/2017 by Susan Reinhard, Jean Accius, Lynda Flowers, and Ari Houser |  Print The Better Care Reconciliation Act (BCRA) now under consideration in the Senate would drastically alter the Medicaid program. The proposed Senate bill … Continue reading

Posted in AHCA, American Health Care Act, Better Care Reconciliation Act, Health Care, Medicaid, Trump, trumpcare | Tagged , , , | 1 Comment

Are you 64 and making $56,800 a year? Welcome to a $20,500 Trumpcare insurance premium

Posted on Daily Kos By Joan McCarter Monday Jun 26, 2017 · 5:37 PM EDT Popular vote loser Donald Trump freely admits he called the House version of Trumpcare “mean, mean, mean” and also claimed that he wanted a Senate bill … Continue reading

Posted in AHCA, American Health Care Act, Better Care Reconciliation Act, Health Care, Medicaid, Trump, trumpcare | Tagged , , , , , | 2 Comments

Trump’s Budget Could Create Chaos in the States

By Richard C. Auxler President Trump’s proposed 2018 budget would result in deep cuts to federal payments to states. Federal funds currently account for nearly a third of state expenditures, so if enacted, Trump’s budget would kick huge decisions to … Continue reading

Posted in budget, Health Care, jobs, Medicaid, Trump, trumpcare | Tagged , , | Leave a comment

You’re Probably Going to Need Medicaid

I could not say it any better…  Mr.Zeldin’s vote will directly affect you and your family and you wont like it!   By DAVID GRABOWSKI, JONATHAN GRUBER and VINCENT MORJUNE 13, 2017 Continue reading the main story Share This Page … Continue reading

Posted in AHCA, American Health Care Act, Health Care, Medicaid, Seniors, Uncategorized, Zeldin | Tagged , , , | Leave a comment

Trump’s Budget from Hell

This is a budget from hell.  Increases for defense and the wall that will ultimately raise the total expenditures, despite the ill-advised cuts.  So, Mr. Zeldin, are you going to say something now, or tow the party line? Trump wants … Continue reading

Posted in AHCA, budget, Congress, economy, GOP, Health Care, immigration/deportation, jobs, Medicaid, science, Trump, trumpcare, Uncategorized, Zeldin | Tagged , , , , | Leave a comment

Impact of Repeal of ACA on First Congressional District (CD-1) of NYState

This was published in March 2017 by the Committee on Energy & Commerce, the Democratic Staff Committee on Oversight and Government Reform and the Democratic Staff (US House of Representatives) This fact sheet summarizes what is at stake when Zeldin … Continue reading

Posted in ACA, AHCA, Health Care, Uncategorized, Zeldin | Tagged , , , , | 3 Comments