Dem unity behind John Avlon

A note from Anna Skrenta (Democratic Party of East Hampton):

From: Anna Skrenta
Date: Wednesday, June 26, 2024 at 11:55 AM
Subject: [EXTERNAL] Avlon wins Primary with 70% of the vote!

Thank you so much to everyone for your hard work and enthusiasm!! John told me last night that he is extremely grateful for it and we are working on finding a time for him to come and celebrate with us and thank you all in person. I’ll keep 

Thank you so much to everyone for your hard work and enthusiasm!!  John told me last night that he is extremely grateful for it and we are working on finding a time for him to come and celebrate with us and thank you all in person.  I’ll keep you posted.  

The results last night proved that our fears about the impact of Nancy’s negative ads and mailers was unfounded.  Bob Wick – you called it!  John won with an unheard of 41% margin of victory.  Total landslide!

Here’s how it all breaks down. The unofficial results from the Board of Elections this morning show that with 100% reporting from all 561 election districts, John had 19,026 or 70.26% of the vote and Nancy had 8,053 or 29.74% of the vote.  District wide, 27,079 out of 182,886 eligible voters cast their ballot (14.81% turnout).  In East Hampton, 1985 of our 9500 registered Democrats voted with 1708 of them voting for John.  This is a 21% turnout.  We would have liked it to have been higher but given that turnout was low statewide for this election and that it was ~15% for all of CD-1, I’m very pleased with our 21%.  

John is an exceptional candidate and his campaign has a lot of momentum and energy going into the general election but we can’t take anything for granted.  This is going to be a tough fight.  Cook Political Report has CD-01 in the Likely Republican category of their list of competitive House races.  With the new redistricting lines, the 1st District tilts slightly right, with 185,377 registered Republicans against 182,699 registered Democrats as of last month, according to the Board of Elections. However, there were 165,001 unaffiliated voters, or “blanks,” which is the largest number of independent voters in any of the state’s 26 congressional districts.  And this is where John can really shine.   As a moderate Democrat with a broad range of support from progressive democrats to Independents to Anti-MAGA Republicans, he is very well positioned to win a good portion of those Blank voters and I remain cautiously and stubbornly optimistic.    

Now lets join the party:

About D. Posnett MD

Emeritus Prof. of Medicine, Weill Cornell Medical College
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1 Response to Dem unity behind John Avlon

  1. robertbrody says:

    hi david. i was having large problems to “unite” behind nancy goroff. but you can count me if needed to help on sunday the 14th. hope all is well. bob brody

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